I dropped Bowie from a great height after Lodger. I lost interest, simple as that, with so many better younger groups to see and hear there was no room left for him.

I can still remember my disappointment I felt when I took the record out of its admittedly great sleeve and set the controls to go. Ridiculously I felt kinda cheated. Bowie had been the man, the one I could rely on. But no matter how many allowances I made (and believe me I made quite a few), Lodger was not great.

   It got even worse after that. I think we all know that eighties Bowie hit the depths although maybe it was only because his seventies stuff had been so magnificently iconic. Even the heady brew of nostalgia can’t hide that one. However, the 21st century was my time to rediscover all those albums, spurred on by Daniel’s surprise purchase of Heathen and Reality. His first two Bowie albums were Bowie's last, so I had to sort that out but not before I crawled through a plethora of averageness to pick out the bones of greatness that appear here.


01 TEENAGE WILDLIFE / Scary Monsters September 1980

02 CAT PEOPLE (PUTTING OUT FIRE) / Single A Side April 1982

03 CHINA GIRL [Album Version] / Let’s Dance April 1983

04 NEIGHBOURHOOD THREAT/ Tonight September 1984

05 UNDERGROUND / Labyrinth Soundtrack June 1986

06 NEVER LET ME DOWN / Never Let Me Down April 1987

07 UNDER THE GOD / Tin Machine May 1989

08 GOODBYE MR ED / Tin Machine II September 1991

09 NITE FLIGHTS / Black Tie White Noise April 1993

10 UNTITLED NO 1 / Buddha Of Suburbia November 1993

11 THIS HEARTS FILTHY LESSON / Outside September 1995

12 THRU’ THESE ARCHITECTS EYES / Outside September 1995

13 SEVEN YEARS IN TIBET / Earthling February 1997

14 SEVEN / Hours October 1999

15 SLIP AWAY / Heathen June 200

16 NEW KILLER STAR / Reality September 2003

17 FALL DOG BOMBS THE MOON / Reality September 2003